Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Policy and Practice in the Education of Bilingual Children Essay
Policy and Practice in the Education of Bilingual Children - Essay Example The possibility is that the other language is learned after learning the first one. Many of the bilingual people grow up in an environment where two languages are being spoken simultaneously. In countries like America, bilinguals are usually found to be the children of immigrants. This is because these children speak their parent's native language during childhood and at home, whereas they speak English in school and with their friends. Therefore, the primary socialization is in the native language, and the secondary is in English. This makes the children bilingual. However, it is not only the immigrants who tend to be bilinguals, but there are many people such that they speak English at school and some other language at the workplace. Moreover, the influence of some significant person also helps a child to develop skills of two or more languages. We can find a number of multilingual and bilinguals in many countries. Moreover, in others, we see that almost every person is bilingual. Talking about India, in some of the parts of India, a child is usually aware of more than one language (Birner 1994, pg.2-3). Cognition technically refers to thinking. Moreover, the entire process of cognition is related to the processing of human-like information and the application of knowledge and change of preferences. This process of cognition is either natural, artificial, conscious or unconscious. This is the reason why they are analyzed from different perspectives and in different contexts. Cognition can be applied to anesthesia, neurology, and various other subjects such as psychology, philosophy, systematic and computer science. Some concepts such as the mind, reasoning, perception, intelligence, and learning are abstract concepts with which cognition is closely related. Cognition can be otherwise regarded as an abstract property of advanced living organisms. Â
Monday, October 28, 2019
Health Care Policy Making in the Federal System Essay Example for Free
Health Care Policy Making in the Federal System Essay Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act Open policymaking in the United States is molded on a basic level by American federalism. Federalism in the United States is defined as â€Å"a governmental system whereby power and authority are shared by national and state governments, with ultimate authority derived from the people† (Levin-Waldman, 2012). The interaction between the levels makes a muddled approach process. Government policymakers and bureaucrats at diverse levels of the elected framework – national, state and local – regularly have truly distinctive interests and points of view on how specific policies ought to be developed and implemented. In regards to health care policy, the national government has accepted essential obligation, with states playing a significant but auxiliary role. For national and state policymakers, there are three key objectives in healthcare policy: control services expenses of health care, improve the quality of health care, and allow for all citizens to have access to health care. The challenge is to beat the long-standing status of the U.S. as a nation with high medical costs paired with deficient coverage for a number of its citizens. On March 23, 2010, after a multitude of debates and votes, Congress approved and President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act ( This is the most comprehensive health care law passed at the national level, and possibly the most controversial too. This enactment is giving a real test of American federalism. Each state is required to create an exchange in which people can look for a competitive plan. This online exchange will offer individual people, families, and small businesses a venue in which to review suitable and affordable plans. In the event that a state does not make an exchange, the national government will do so. There are many debates surrounding this new law as many feel it will do more harm than good. Under the law, tens of millions of uninsured will get access to competitive, quality, health insurance. In order to help cover the many millions who require monetary assistance, there are new taxes, generally felt by the upper income levels. These taxes are in the form of mandates; either as an individual mandate or an employer mandate. These mandates require individuals to obtain coverage, get an exemption, or pay a fee. However, it is estimated that over half of those uninsured prior to this new law, will be able to obtain free or low cost coverage thru their State’s exchange. Similarly, employers with an equivalent of 50 full time employees must provide health insurance coverage to their employees or they will have to pay a fine. This has prompted some businesses to cut employee hours to avoid meeting the criteria, although small businesses can qualify for up to 50% of their employees premium costs. ( While the law allows young adults to remain on their parents plans until the age of 26, there is concern that the premiums these young adults could be paying on their own would help offset the rise in premiums due to the sick. In order for the premiums to remain low, there needs to be a significantly large healthy pool of insured. Their premiums will offset the expenses the insurance company will have to pay for the claims of those that are sick. If healthy young adults remain on their parent’s plans longer, it decreases the cushion the insurance company has to cover such claims. Since you cannot be dropped from your plan when you become sick, insurance companies must cover the sick and this causes premiums to rise. ( Many question whether or not the government can enforce such a law. The U.S. Constitution makes no reference to health care policy or services as rights. To play a role in such, the national government must turn to less particular parts of the Constitution, for example, the obligation to promote the general welfare, provide equal protection under the laws, or regulate commerce among the states. State constitutions by and large make no particular reference to health awareness as a commitment of state government or right of residents. Likewise with the national government, state power around there rests principally on more general protected provisions to promote the benefit of everyone. The law was presented to the Supreme Court and upheld by a vote of 5 to 4. â€Å"The Affordable Care Act’s requirement that certain individuals pay a financial penalty for not obtaining health insurance may reasonably be characterized as a tax,†Chief Justice Roberts wrote in the majority opinion. â€Å"Because the Constitution permits such a tax, it is not our role to forbid it, or to pass upon its wisdom or fairness.†( Conclusion Policymaking in our federal system is laden with challenges. In health care, policymakers and other government authorities at all three levels of government assume vital and interconnected parts. Policymaking in our federal system has served the United States well for a long time, yet it remains a real test. It is uncommon that one level of government can bring an approach through to its fulfillment. Rather, most arrangements incorporate an imperative intergovernmental element. The unpredictability of intergovernmental policymaking and the numerous purposes of potential restriction in an elected framework put a premium on practicing successful initiative and making intergovernmental connections. To push ahead in the 21st Century, national, state and local policymakers will require a full set of administration and interpersonal abilities to unite all parties in the federalism process of policy making. References Levin-Waldman, O. M. (2012). American government. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Liptak, A. (2012, June 28). Supreme Court Upholds Health Care Law, 5-4, in Victory for Obama. The New York Times. Retrieved from Is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Good for America? (2010, September). Retrieved from The Pros and Cons of Obamacare. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Paradise by Toni Morrison Essay examples -- Papers Paradise Toni Morri
Paradise by Toni Morrison Throughout many of Toni Morrison?s novels, the plot is built around some conflict for her characters to overcome. Paradise, in particular, uses the relationships between women as a means of reaching this desired end. Paradise, a novel centered around the destruction of a convent and the women in it, supports this idea by showing how this building serves as a haven for dejected women (Smith). The bulk of the novel takes place during and after WWII and focuses on an all black town in Oklahoma. It is through the course of the novel that we see Morrison weave the bonds of women into the text as a means of healing the scars inflicted upon her characters in their respective societies. Paradise deals with the lives of dejected women and the support group the women form for each other. Morrison draws attention to this key issue by removing the element of race from the novel, a heavy contrast to her earlier works, by not allowing the reader to know the races of the women. Thus the relationships present throughout the work can be seen strictly through the contrast between the abusive and damaging relationships found outside of the convent to the supportive and loving ones in the convent. This removal of race also allows us to see the bigger picture, which is not dictated by race (Smith). By examining the relationships in the novel, we see two distinct arenas dealing with identity and the women, which is the world outside of the convent, and the convent. Before reaching the convent, identity for the women is a broken notion in which the men they associate with dictate. The first woman we are introduced to is Mavis. Her relationship with her husband is an example of the type of subservience c... ...998 Nelson, Bredin. Women?s Friendships. Online. 16. November. 1999. Radicalesbians. ?The Woman Identified Woman.? Online. 16. November. 1999. Shorter-Gooden, Kamea & Washington, N. Shenell. ?Young Black and Female: The Challenge of weaving an identity.? Journal of Adolescents July 1995 19. 466. Smith, Dinitia. ?Not Categorizing Characters by Race? Online. 16. November. 1999. Toni Morrison Chat Online. 16. November. 1999. Traustadottir, Rannveig. Gender patterns in friendships. Online. 16. November. 1999.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
History of Singapore
This essay integrates and revises material from Kwa Chong Guan, â€Å"From Temasik to Singapore: Locating a Global City State in the Cycles of Melaka Straits History†in Miksic, John & Low, Cheryl-Ann (eds) Early Singapore 1300s to 1819: Evidence in Maps, Texts and Artefacts p125-139, De Coutre’s Proposal for a fort on Singapore and Sentosa, c. 625 (A/Prof Peter Borschberg’s website at www. borschberg. sg), and Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City by, p19-82, The Free Dictionary by Farlex, 2009, www. thefreedictionary. com 1 definition of strategic obtained from www. thefreedictionary. com 2 C. A.Gibson attempted to answer Raffles Professor of History Wong Lin Ken claim that â€Å"no historian has yet adequately explained why Singapore failed to be a major trading centre before the nineteenth century in Kwa Chong Guan, â€Å"From Temasik to Singapore: Locating a Global City State in the Cycles of Melaka Straits History†in Miksic, John & Low, Cheryl-Ann (eds) Early Singapore 1300s to 1819: Evidence in Maps, Texts and Artefacts 3 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p32 4 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p52 5 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p74 6 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p74 7 De Coutre’s Proposal for a fort on Singapore and Sentosa, c. 1625 (A/Prof Peter Borschberg’s website at www. borschberg. g) 8 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p77 9 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p78 10 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p79 11 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p79 12 from Kwa Chong Guan, â€Å"From Temasik to Singapore: Locating a Global City State in the Cycles of Melaka Straits History†in Miksic, John & Low, Cheryl-Ann (eds) Early Singapore 1300s to 1819: Evidence in Maps, Texts and Artefacts, p135 13 John Crawfurd recorded that Raffles â€Å"touched at Singapore to make enquires, and then for the first time, the advantage and superiority of its locality presented themselves†in Kwa Chong Guan, â€Å"From Temasik to Singapore: Locating a Global City State in the Cycles of Melaka Straits History†in Miksic, John & Low, Cheryl-Ann (eds) Early Singapore 1300s to 1819: Evidence in Maps, Texts and Artefacts 14 11 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p80 15 Prof Kwa Choon Guan’s lecture 3 notes, slide 4 6 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p55, recording an anecdote of Suma Oriental 17 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, 56-57 18 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p57-59 19 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p59 20 Eurasian engineer and explorer manuel godinho d’Eredia’s report, Declaracam de Malaca e India Meridional com o Cathay â€Å"Chorographic Description of the Straits of â€Å"Sincapure and Sabbam’ in 1604 marked a xabandaria at the south coast of Singapore 21 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng an d Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p61 22 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p73 23Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p61 History of Singapore This essay integrates and revises material from Kwa Chong Guan, â€Å"From Temasik to Singapore: Locating a Global City State in the Cycles of Melaka Straits History†in Miksic, John & Low, Cheryl-Ann (eds) Early Singapore 1300s to 1819: Evidence in Maps, Texts and Artefacts p125-139, De Coutre’s Proposal for a fort on Singapore and Sentosa, c. 625 (A/Prof Peter Borschberg’s website at www. borschberg. sg), and Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City by, p19-82, The Free Dictionary by Farlex, 2009, www. thefreedictionary. com 1 definition of strategic obtained from www. thefreedictionary. com 2 C. A.Gibson attempted to answer Raffles Professor of History Wong Lin Ken claim that â€Å"no historian has yet adequately explained why Singapore failed to be a major trading centre before the nineteenth century in Kwa Chong Guan, â€Å"From Temasik to Singapore: Locating a Global City State in the Cycles of Melaka Straits History†in Miksic, John & Low, Cheryl-Ann (eds) Early Singapore 1300s to 1819: Evidence in Maps, Texts and Artefacts 3 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p32 4 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p52 5 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p74 6 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p74 7 De Coutre’s Proposal for a fort on Singapore and Sentosa, c. 1625 (A/Prof Peter Borschberg’s website at www. borschberg. g) 8 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p77 9 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p78 10 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p79 11 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p79 12 from Kwa Chong Guan, â€Å"From Temasik to Singapore: Locating a Global City State in the Cycles of Melaka Straits History†in Miksic, John & Low, Cheryl-Ann (eds) Early Singapore 1300s to 1819: Evidence in Maps, Texts and Artefacts, p135 13 John Crawfurd recorded that Raffles â€Å"touched at Singapore to make enquires, and then for the first time, the advantage and superiority of its locality presented themselves†in Kwa Chong Guan, â€Å"From Temasik to Singapore: Locating a Global City State in the Cycles of Melaka Straits History†in Miksic, John & Low, Cheryl-Ann (eds) Early Singapore 1300s to 1819: Evidence in Maps, Texts and Artefacts 14 11 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p80 15 Prof Kwa Choon Guan’s lecture 3 notes, slide 4 6 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p55, recording an anecdote of Suma Oriental 17 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, 56-57 18 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p57-59 19 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p59 20 Eurasian engineer and explorer manuel godinho d’Eredia’s report, Declaracam de Malaca e India Meridional com o Cathay â€Å"Chorographic Description of the Straits of â€Å"Sincapure and Sabbam’ in 1604 marked a xabandaria at the south coast of Singapore 21 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng an d Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p61 22 Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p73 23Kwa Chong Guan, Derek Heng and Tan Tai Yong (2009) Singapore: A 700-Year History, From Early Emporium to World City, p61
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue†and Gloria Anzuldua’s “How To Tame A Wild Tongue†Essay
â€Å"Identity is the essential core of who we are as individuals, the conscious experience of the self inside†– Kaufman (Anzuldà a 62). Coming to America and speaking more than one language, I often face similar situations as Gloria Anzaldà a and Amy Tan. Going to high school where personal image is a big part of a student’s life is very nerve racking. American Values are often forced upon students and a certain way of life is expected of them. Many times, in America, people look down on people who do not accept the American Way of Life. The struggle of â€Å"fitting in†and accepting the cultural background is a major point in both essays, _Mother Tongue_ by Amy Tan and _How to Tame a Wild Tongue_ by Gloria Anzaldà a, which the authors argue similarly about. Both essays can be related to my life as I experience them in my life at home and at school. High school also has an unparalleled reputation of students trying to â€Å"fit in†with their peers and peer-pressure causing people to accept values different to their own, which is similar to Anzaldà a’s case. In Anzaldà a’s essay, she reflects on the situation that many people face in a contact zone of many different cultures. She begins by explaining how she felt unaccepted by all groups, Americans, Mexicans, and other Spanish speakers. Many people are also forced accept certain cultures over the other. Anzaldà a â€Å"was accused by various Latinos and Latinas†of a being a â€Å"‘Pocho, cultural traitor'†. Anzaldà a was rejected by many Latinos and did not mix well with Americans either. Gaining respect of peers is also very hard in high school. Living with parent that speaks â€Å"broken English†is similar in all households and presents similar hardships. In _Mother Tongue_, Amy Tan mainly focuses on the hardships of adapting to American culture. Tan also avoids to being in situations where her mother tries to express herself. Amy is â€Å"red-faced and quit†while her mother â€Å"was shouting at [the stockbroker’s] boss in her impeccable English†(Tan 317). Amy is often embarrassed of her mother’s â€Å"broken†English and avoids speaking up in those situations. In both essays, the authors explain the consequences of foreign language speakers face in an American predominant society. Anzaldà a is usually afraid to express herself truly because many times the outcomes discourage her to do so. Anzaldà a recalls â€Å"being caught speaking Spanish at recess [which] was good for three licks on the knuckles with a sharp ruler†and â€Å"being sent to the corner of the classroom†for â€Å"trying to tell [the teacher] how to pronounce [her] name†. The outcome of trying to express herself in her true nature often got her punished severely. Tan feels less fortunate to have been in an immigrant family because many of her opportunities were taken away because of that. While growing up, Tan believed that because her â€Å"mother’s English †¦had an effect on limiting [her] possibilities in life†(Tan 318). Amy Tan thought that while living in fear of not â€Å"fitting in†, the opportunities were taken away from her. The stunted language skill development, in immigrant families, could affect their success in school and other achievement tests (Tan 318). The essays differ from each other because in Amy Tan actually accepts parts of American culture, while Anzaldà a resists including the American lifestyle into her own completely. Anzaldà a is bitter about the fact that she is forced to accept the American culture. She claims that â€Å"required†¦two speech classes†¦to get rid of [the] accent [were] a violation of the First Amendment†(Anzaldà a 54). But Amy Tan struggles to incorporate the American lifestyle at many times. Tan fights the stereotype â€Å"Chinese students go into engineering†and struggles to excel in English rather than engineering (Tan 319). In conclusion, in America, foreign language speakers often feel disadvantageous to Americans that have more resources to exploit. But both authors still agree that preserving their heritage is important and should it should not be lost while trying to â€Å"fit in†. While speaking many languages and going to high school in America, the essays are closely related to my own life. I realized that gaining some new culture and losing some of the old culture is best to adapt to the new a country and different people. Balancing the cultures and languages forms our identity.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Shore Road Mystery essays
The Shore Road Mystery essays The Shore Road Mystery The Hardy boys, Frank and Joe, were taking a casual drive down Shore Road when they heard a report about a stolen car. Frank and Joe raced towards the scene and actually saw the stolen car. Suddenly, a big red produce truck came right into the middle of the road. The boys had no choice but to slam on their breaks. They ended up crashing into a fence and were dazed but uninjured. The driver came out of the truck and apologized. "Something seems fishy about that guy." Said Frank. They both returned home that night trying not to let their mother see their cuts and bruises. The next morning a friend of the Hardys , Jack Dodd, called and told the Hardys to come quickly. The police were looking for a suspect who had stolen a car. The police thought they found their man. They found Jack Dodd's fishing rod in the trunk of one of the stolen cars. Jack insisted that he had not put it there and that he was being framed. The cops handcuffed Jack and his father and took them down to headquarters. Later that night Chief Colling came to the Hardy's home telling them that the Dodds had taken off in their station wagon. The Hardys had known the Dodds for a very long time and it just didn't seen like them to break the law. The Hardys went back into their secret fort in the garage to think things through. They asked themselves if anyone had ever held a grudge against the Dodds. Then they thought of Ray Slagel. He was the man that the Dodds hired but had done such a poor job with their farming equipment that they had to fire him. They decided to check out the area where most of the cars were being stolen... Shore Road. They stumbled upon a local drifter, a friend of the Hardys, named Scratch. Scratch said that he had seen a man that looked like the photo of Slagel that they showed him. He was pulling out of the woods with a nice looking car. That night they re ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
3 More Sentences with Unnecessary Semicolons
3 More Sentences with Unnecessary Semicolons 3 More Sentences with Unnecessary Semicolons 3 More Sentences with Unnecessary Semicolons By Mark Nichol 1. Some new entrants probably need to have a deeper focus on security and privacy than they have; not least because it is only a matter of time before they, too, are regulated more closely. A semicolon is required to separate the two halves of a sentence only when both clauses are independent, but the second clause is dependent- it doesn’t have a subject, such as in â€Å"This is because it is . . . .†: â€Å"Some new entrants probably need to have a deeper focus on security and privacy than they have, not least because it is only a matter of time before they, too, are regulated more closely. 2. Infrastructure can include the following: a common risk language and other frameworks; knowledge sharing to identify best practices; common training; and integration of risk responses with business plans. In this sentence, the four items are simple, in that none of them are themselves complicated by internal punctuation, so a series of commas is sufficient to structure the organization of the list: â€Å"Infrastructure can include the following: a common risk language and other frameworks, knowledge sharing to identify best practices, common training, and integration of risk responses with business plans.†3. We can assist with the design and implementation of the mortgage-servicing requirements by providing project-management support and structure; documenting processes and identifying opportunities to address inefficiencies; and developing new and/or enhancing existing policies, procedures, monitoring programs, key metrics, and training. In this sentence, the final list item (â€Å"beginning with â€Å"and developing†) has internal punctuation, which would normally signal the need for more robust punctuation between the items. However, because each item begins with a distinct verb, the structure of the sentence is clear, so commas suffice to separate them: â€Å"We can assist with the design and implementation of the mortgage-servicing requirements by providing project-management support and structure, documenting processes and identifying opportunities to address inefficiencies, and developing new and/or enhancing existing policies, procedures, monitoring programs, key metrics, and training.†(It also helps that the complex item is the last one in the sentence.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Redundant Phrases to AvoidBest Websites to Learn EnglishThe 7 Types of Possessive Case
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Exploding Mentos Drink
Exploding Mentos Drink A friend sent me a link to a Wired how-to project called The Manhattan Project in which you freeze a Mentos candy into an ice cube and place it in a carbonated drink. When the ice cube melts, the wax surrounding the candy will be exposed and the drink should erupt. Does it work? Lets find out. Exploding Mentos Drink Ingredients The drink in the original recipe called for whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters (basically a Manhattan plus diet cola), but you can make a rum and coke or whatever you like or just try the non-alcoholic version using two ingredients: diet colaa Mentosâ„ ¢ candy Make the Exploding Drink Ill tell you right up front: a drink with soda and Mentos wont explode unless it is in an enclosed container. Exploding drinks make messes, plus they tend to spray out shards of glass, so its a good thing this drink isnt so violent. Erupting is more what youre looking for here. If you want to cause an unexpected eruption, freeze a single Mentos candy into the well of an ice cube tray. Youll get the best results if you wait until the ice is almost frozen and then add a Mentos candy to each cube so that its near the surface of the ice. You dont want to soak the candy in cold water or its coating will dissolve. If that happens, all youll get when you mix it with diet cola is candy-flavored cola. The premise is that the Mentos will become exposed as the ice cube melts. When the wax coating of the candy reacts with the diet soda, the drink will fizz and bubble like the classic Mentos and diet soda fountain. If youre doing the project on-purpose or else dont mind getting caught dropping a Mentos into someones carbonated drink, you can simply plop the candy in the soda no ice cube needed. How the Mentos in Ice Cubes Trick Works Among other things, the gum arabic that coats a Mentos candy lowers the surface tension of the soda, allowing carbon dioxide bubbles to rise and expand more easily. The candy coating traps the gas, forming bubbles and foam. When I tried this project, I didnt get a spectacular eruption, but you can expect somewhat better results if you use a narrow glass for your drink. Except that the Mentos flavors the drink, I dont think someone with a Mentos-laced ice cube would notice much happening or suffer from an out-of-control foaming drink. The project is still pretty fun.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Of Guns and Butter The Path of Arrogance Article
Of Guns and Butter The Path of Arrogance - Article Example Originally, the macroeconomic reference was â€Å"Guns or Butter?†meaning that society often has to choose between those two opposites: guns representing military-type goods, while butter represents civilian goods. It was clear throughout most of the decades of the mid-Twentieth Century that no country could have as much as it might desire of both guns and butter, as that would violate the concept of production possibilities based on limited economic resources. Therefore, every society has to pick and choose its products. Sometimes, the contrast is made between capital goods versus consumer goods, with the same conclusion: we cannot continually expand the production of both types of products and services without running grave economic risks. One of the most serious of those risks is that the monetary, fiscal, and liquidity policies needed to make us produce the maximum of both â€Å"guns and butter†will inevitably lead to hyperinflation, as this vast array of governme nt demands is added to existing and growing non-governmental demands for consumer and capital goods. As the Federal government, in particular, uses trillion-dollar deficit spending to finance its own purchases, running the monetary printing presses to cover those costs, the value of our money will inevitably decline. That decline is the essence of inflation, and it is likely to escalate as the overspending by all sectors of the economy continues and grows. As prices rise alarmingly, money will begin to become worthless, as happened in numerous countries which followed such policies in the past.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Planet of Mercury Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Planet of Mercury - Essay Example Notably, we can establish that unlike other planets, Mercury does not have an atmosphere, seasons, moons, satellites, or rings (â€Å"NASA†1). As such, it is a very unique planet which is difficult but worth studying. There are only 58 million Kilometers separating the sun from Mercury (â€Å"NASA†1) thus making the study of Mercury difficult for scholars. Nevertheless, a radar imaging from the Earth in the 1960s helped scientists to study Mercury. As such, scientists confirm that Mercury has a radius of 2,439.7 km, a volume of 60,827,208,742 km3, and a total mass of about 330,104,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg (â€Å"NASA†1). Furthermore, with a density of 5.4 grams per cubic centimeter, Mercury is very dense compared to other planets in the solar system (â€Å"Space Facts†1). Although Mercury revolves around the sun at the fastest speed, it seemingly rotates around its axis at a very slow speed where it takes about 1 Mercury day or 59 Earth days to make a complete spin (â€Å"NASA†1). Indeed, mercury takes about 88 Earth days or 1 Mercury year to revolve around the sun (â€Å"NASA†1).... More so, the thin exosphere ensures the prevention of wind erosion on the surface of Mercury and that friction does not cause the meteorites to burn (â€Å"National Geographic Society†1). The composition of the thin exosphere entails different levels of potassium, oxygen, neon, argon, sodium, carbon dioxide, hydrogen (H2), nitrogen, helium (He), and krypton (â€Å"NASA†1). The core of Mercury has the highest iron content higher iron content the Solar System (â€Å"National Geographic Society†1) where its metallic core measures about 2200 to 2,400 miles in width, 42% of its volume (â€Å"Space Facts†1), and about 75 percent of the its diameter. With a magnetic field in the solar wind, Mercury is very active and its charged particles normally stream from the sun and touch the planet’s magnetic field thereby creating a powerful magnetic tornado (â€Å"Science Daily†1). The magnetic tornado transmits the hot plasma of the solar wind to the s urface of Mercury. Scientists established that the iron core of Mercury cools and contacts to wrinkle the surface of the planet. They further named the wrinkles as Lobate Scarps, which extend to hundreds of miles in length (â€Å"Space Facts†1). Ideally, there have been various theories explaining how Mercury formed which relate to the physical removal of silicates or the differences in the composition material. One of the theories attributes the formation of Mercury to an impact that shrunk the size and mass of the planet. The shrinking occurred as the planet cooled (â€Å"National Geographic Society†1) and led to the crumpling and formation of cliffs on the surface of Mercury. Indeed, scientists believe that the planetesimal reduced
The role of Nursing Theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The role of Nursing Theory - Assignment Example The significance of having a clear defined body of theory in nursing consist of improved professional status for nurses, better patient care, guidance for research and education, and enhanced communication between nurses. This is because nursing aims at developing a unique body of knowledge. Chinn and Kramer (2010) add that theory: helps nurses to explain, describe, and predict everyday experiences; aid come up with a criteria to measure the quality of nursing care; improve nursing autonomy; and offer a basis for collecting valid and reliable data in relation to clients’ health status that are crucial for efficient decision-making together with implementation; assist build a common terminology in home health to be used to communicate with other health practitioners. There are various theories of nursing. Burns and Grove (2009) affirm that since the purpose of nursing education is to train competent nurses, it usually relies on theory. The nursing theory plays a very crucial role in drawing attention to the vital elements of nursing, for instance, the concept of home health, patient, and the environment of the patient, as well as the care nurses give. In this regard, in nursing education the nursing theory offers a more general focus for curriculum design. The study of theory by any nursing student is essential since it assist one to comprehend the career they have chosen, its motivation, vibrancy, and fluidity. Moreover, the nursing theory also guides curricular decision making. The relationship between theory and research is undoubted. Nurses require the results of nursing research if they are to offer the best care (Alligood & Tomey, 2009). To that effect, the applicability of the role of theory in nursing research, it provides a framework for generating new ideas and knowledge. According to Burns and Grove (2009), research without theory leads to in discreet information that does not add to the accumulated knowledge of the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
MEMO FORMAT - Marketing - Management. Proposal Essay
MEMO FORMAT - Marketing - Management. Proposal - Essay Example Some of the other desirable features of the Fiat 500 are its highly recommended sporting ability ("2012 fiat 500 consumer reviews," 2012). Older models of the same make have broken world speed records on racing heritage. The car is relatively cheap and is characterized by a one-point four-litre turbo engine. The car is among the smallest in the US and fits very well in crowded cities. Additionally, the 2012 fiat 500 comes with interior furnishing and adequate front space to give the driver a lot of room. Statistics collected by researchers in the US have verified that since its launch, sales have registered an upward trend. This started with 3,227 in the first month. Vehicle dealers have embarked on informative campaigns to create awareness. Fiat motors will have to come up with a strategy better than other motor firms if it is to impact the American market. The market strategy adopted must be backed up by an effective corporate strategy dedicated towards meeting the shareholders’ investment objectives. The strategy to be adopted ought to compete effectively with other motor models already in the market. This memorandum recommends that congruent with the specific strategic business intentions and the desire to make an immediate impact in the American market, that a commercial for the 2012 Fiat 500 be placed in the Super Bowl. It is recognized that the cost of a 30 second slot in the 2011 Super Bowl was $3,000,000 (Damiano 2012). With such a steep price tag it is recognized that the commercial must make a significant impact. Last year’s Super Bowl commercial involved a nerdy man approached by a gorgeous woman only to discover he was actually looking at a Fiat. For next year’s advertisement it is recommended that an external advertising agency be contracted. While the specific creative angle will be their domain, it is recommended that a narrative be built from the past
Develop Creative Listening and Linguistic Communication Skills of the Dissertation
Develop Creative Listening and Linguistic Communication Skills of the Second Language Learners - Dissertation Example This dissertation attempts to take the concept of creative listening to task as a development method to assist Second Language Learners in developing creative listening and linguistic communication skills. Second Language Learners are a language minority in such English speaking countries as the United States and the United Kingdom. Inculcating literacy among these learners is a present-day critical challenge since English literacy is essential to their academic achievement, and to educational and economic opportunities beyond schooling. Given the phenomenon that minority learners are increasing owing to immigration and birth rate conditions, there is the added fact that without English literacy, this language minority group will not fare well in school achievement.. Already, statistics show that 51 percent of minority learners do not finish high school compared with only 10 percent of English speaking learners who do not complete secondary education. (National Center for Educational Statistics). Meanwhile, listening skills belong to the unattended self-improvement skills being developed in schools. While much training is given to reading, writing, arithmetic and science, the listening part of the communication process is bypassed or presumed to be virtually learned. Research studies, however, makes a revelation, namely that untrained listeners are very low lower than 50 percentâ€â€on proficiency in learning. ... While much training is given to reading, writing, arithmetic and science, the listening part of the communication process is bypassed or presumed to be virtually learned. Research studies, however, makes a revelation, namely that untrained listeners are very low lower than 50 percentâ€â€on proficiency in learning. This should not be surprising since various studies also state that people, including school learners, may spend 45 to over 50 percent of their communication time in the listening act. It appears most timely and important therefore that the educational system should give adequate attention to the improvement of listening skills among learners. This dissertation makes two assumptions: 1. Creative listening and linguistic communication skills can be developed along the new paradigm of multiple intelligence learning, and 2. A program patterned along multi-intelligence activities can be devised to respond to the need to develop creative listening and linguistic comm unication skills. Creative Listening Skills To focus on the listening act itself, it is necessary to remove the misconception that hearing and listening are the same. At times, we may have heard someone complaining, â€Å"I hear you, please don’t shout at me.†This is to recognize the physiological process that occurs when sound is received by man’s hearing apparatus. People may hear, however, but they may not be listening in the sense of recognizing the meaning of those sounds, such as the internal anger or anguish expressed by the speaker. Developing listening for meaning is therefore a must. Developing listening to create constructive ideas and action, such as behavioral change, can therefore be very beneficial to society, inclusive of social relationships
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
MEMO FORMAT - Marketing - Management. Proposal Essay
MEMO FORMAT - Marketing - Management. Proposal - Essay Example Some of the other desirable features of the Fiat 500 are its highly recommended sporting ability ("2012 fiat 500 consumer reviews," 2012). Older models of the same make have broken world speed records on racing heritage. The car is relatively cheap and is characterized by a one-point four-litre turbo engine. The car is among the smallest in the US and fits very well in crowded cities. Additionally, the 2012 fiat 500 comes with interior furnishing and adequate front space to give the driver a lot of room. Statistics collected by researchers in the US have verified that since its launch, sales have registered an upward trend. This started with 3,227 in the first month. Vehicle dealers have embarked on informative campaigns to create awareness. Fiat motors will have to come up with a strategy better than other motor firms if it is to impact the American market. The market strategy adopted must be backed up by an effective corporate strategy dedicated towards meeting the shareholders’ investment objectives. The strategy to be adopted ought to compete effectively with other motor models already in the market. This memorandum recommends that congruent with the specific strategic business intentions and the desire to make an immediate impact in the American market, that a commercial for the 2012 Fiat 500 be placed in the Super Bowl. It is recognized that the cost of a 30 second slot in the 2011 Super Bowl was $3,000,000 (Damiano 2012). With such a steep price tag it is recognized that the commercial must make a significant impact. Last year’s Super Bowl commercial involved a nerdy man approached by a gorgeous woman only to discover he was actually looking at a Fiat. For next year’s advertisement it is recommended that an external advertising agency be contracted. While the specific creative angle will be their domain, it is recommended that a narrative be built from the past
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Usefulness of the Academic Literature on National Culture for Essay
The Usefulness of the Academic Literature on National Culture for Helping a Multinational Corporation Devise its Strategy - Essay Example As a means of developing broader range insights into the nature of culture, business, innovation, and profit, this research assess the usefulness of the academic literature on national culture for helping a multinational corporation devise its strategy. As there are a number of broad-ranging theories on national culture, this research advances by analyzing the relationships and associations between key factors found in the literature. Analysis One of the prominent areas where academic literature on national culture has been implemented in terms of business strategy is in the hospitality industry. Baker & Moreo (2008) investigated power distance management between cultures. This specific investigation administered questionnaires to managers in different international regions, specifically: the United States, Thailand, Malaysia, and Turkey. Specifically, the research notes that the questionnaires sought to determine if, â€Å"managers from varied power distance cultures would exhibit varied degrees of participative style, openness to strategic change, formality of strategic control, and people-focused orientation when setting strategic goals†(Baker & Moreo, 2008, p. 12). The results were inconclusive regarding specific differences in power relationships between national cultures. As a result of these findings the authors argue that managers operating in international contexts need not be concerned with the relation between distance and power relationships. Such findings demand further investigation, as there is the possibility of limitations because of the specific organizations that were implemented, as specific trends in the cultures that may be more amenable to each other (Tandukar 2008). Still, there literature makes a significant contribution to broader ranging strategic investigations, as it constitutes a specific perspective on these relations. Such a notion functions to indicate that while individual research studies may lack the large-scale reach that would allow them to make significant impacts on business strategy, collated and implemented in a comprehensive approach could reveal significant insights. Another prominent area where literature on national cultures has been intertwined with business strategy is business ownership. Larimo (1998) tested the notion that national origin significantly impacts the strategies of multinational corporations.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Determinacy of Existence Essay Example for Free
The Determinacy of Existence Essay In Steven Spielberg’s Artificial Intelligence: AI, the same question seems to have haunted its main character, David. As a part of the genre of science fiction, the film itself has a highly fictional character however given the developments within the fields of science and technology in the past few years along with the current threats that global warming poses to our environment and to the human race itself, it is not difficult to fathom that such an event will exist in the future. Artificial Intelligence is set within a period wherein the ocean levels have risen to the extent that it has drowned some of the cities in the world. Despite of this, the human race continues to persevere to the extent that it has been able to create human like robots. Human like here refers to the possession of the appearance, form, and function of a human being. In the film, David stands as a substitute to Henry and Monica Swinton’s son Martin who was considered terminally ill. Martin, however was healed and was sent back to live with his family. As soon as Martin started to live with his family, he resented David and the robot child was forced to be evicted from his home. In this process, David learns the tale of Pinocchio and associates the tale with his quest to find his real mother as well as his quest to turn into a â€Å"real†boy. Although, the film itself might be seen to question the relationship of human beings to technology wherein technological developments may be considered as their offsprings, as I see it the film also question life and existence itself. It might be too farfetched to contrast myself to the character David for the obvious reason that I have empirical evidence that I am not an android however as I see it, it is possible to strike a comparison between David’s quest for his mother [and hence for life itself since the mother stands as the source of life] as well as my quest for meaning. In the journal entry that I chose above, I was placed in a position where I questioned my existence and my identity itself. I have given this some thought in the following days that I have been haunted with these questions. The way I see it, all human beings are partially determined by their past [e. g. the manner in which they were socialized as well as the genetic traits that they have acquired from their family] however at the same time their existence and identity is also determined by their actions in the present. In a way, one might state that each individual is haunted by the ever occurring present since each action and each decision affects ourselves while at the same time placing a permanent mark in who we are. David, in the film Artificial Intelligence, was partially determined by his background [his existence as an artificial intelligence] however despite of this he chose to cling to the tale of Pinocchio and made it his own thereby enabling him to receive the love of human mother at the end of the film. As I see it, if we are to see David’s mother as a symbol for Eve [and hence life itself] and if we are to see ourselves as a David, each continually pursuing his dreams and aspirations, it is possible for us to receive the love of life. As I see it, it is by taking hold of one’s decisions and in a sense of one’s life that one is freed from the initial determinacy of existence. In this sense, although initially one might state that we were initially determined by our nature and the way that we were nurtured it is also possible for us to be freed from this by taking hold of one’s life and being accountable from one’s actions. The way I see it, this was the reason why David was granted the human life in the film Artificial Intelligence.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
What Is Career Planning Commerce Essay
What Is Career Planning Commerce Essay Destiny, faith, dreams, these unstoppable ideas are held dip in the heart of men. As long as they are people who seek freedom in this life, this things shall not vanish from the earth. But most people die without realising this ideas. Would you let that chance pass you by? So i have to stand up and stop thinking like a scalar multitude (having a point of magnitude without a direction) but act like a vector (having a direction and a point of magnitude) i.e. doing a great career planning for myself. Firstly, what is career planning? The act of choosing a career path. In most cases it is done during adolescence and early adulthood. But it is often modified as changes in the self, the world or work change in the course of an individuals life. In other words career planning could be defined with different terms such as; career vocational counselling, vocational guidance and career guidance. Career planning could also be defined as the means through which we achieve our objectives and move closer to our goal. Career planning could be divided in to the vertical and horizontal direction. Horizontal career planning is based on the ways in which i will use to acquire the knowledge and skills of my dream job. In the other hand vertical career planning is based on the knowledge i have on the industry i wish to work for and how they have evolve over time.           For a start, what is my point of magnitude? My point of magnitude is the pick of my dreams, which is becoming a branch manager in an international bank. To reach this goal i have to go through some steps. Firstly, gaining my necessary skills needed for the job. So to gain these skills i have to be orientated on how to gain a strong educational background on my career. I will start from the level of achieving an advance level certificate in social science with a good grade (mathematic, Economics, Geography and philosophy). This will lead me to the next step in achieving an HND certificate in banking and finance. From this step i will try to gain work experience by doing my internship for a bank under the customer service department. In addition, I will strive on having my bachelor degree in business management. At this point, I will look forth on holding the position of a cashier in a bank that has a promising career growth like Lloyds TSB. Whi le trying to match up with this new responsibility, I while look on having a master degree in business management. I will try to impress my employer by showing my vocation for my job and putting in my knowledge in relation to my task in other to gain promotion in my career as a head teller which is the first line manager. After having my master degree in business management and obtaining the post of head teller in the bank, I will aim for a step forward. That is, being the vault custodian in the bank which is next to my point of magnitude. And finally, due to hard work, determination and devotion in my job, my chasse comes to an end when I am being promoted to the branch manager of the bank. All this steps sounds easy in writing or in word but actually, it is not what it seems to be. Yes they are obstacle that I will meet on my way to the top and not forgetting that the dream is not only mine so they will be competition on the way too. Looking in to the post of customer service. After having my HND in banking and finance at the age of 21, I will aim for an internship in the bank. This should be under the department of customer service in a bank. The point of view of an overall banking process, customer service plays a very important role in a banks income and revenue. The functions of this department mainly include dealing with returns, exchanges and complaints. Basically, our goal is not only to help the customers deal with their problems, but also offer them a service that exceeds their expectations. Several key points are listed as follows: 1. Know your product Know what service we are offering to customers completely. Make sure you can answer every question the customer asked correctly and explain every process in our service programs. 2. Body Language Most of the communication that we show to others is done through body language. Make sure to look your customers in the eye while they are speaking. It shows that we are listening to them. Also, talk with a smile is never bad. 3. Anticipate What Customers Needs It can make customer have a feeling of We care about them everywhere then improve their trust about our service. A customer service experience can change my perception of the customers: what do they want? What do they need? How can we help them? The most important is how to do an effective communication with customers. It is the so called commutation skill. Because of this is my first job, I can also learn how to get on well with each other: those who manage me, those who I manage, my colleagues, especially my customers. With these new skills I will look on to the next step, which is to further my education and career by gaining a bachelor degree in business management and trying to secure the post as a cashier in a bank which has a promising career growth like Lloyds TSB. Moving forward, what is a cashier? A cashier is a person who receives money or card payment from the customers for the goods purchased. Wherever any purchase of goods or services involved in every institute minimum of one cashier is employed. The number of cashier employed can be varied due to the range of work and the size of company. The more a smooth transaction between a customer and supplier a cashier deals the more expert he is. His responsibilities is not just limited to the collection money, they may vary depending upon the type of employment. Bank cashiers are the front line officers for the enquiries of customers entering a bank branch. So I will be responsible for the face to face interaction with the customers usually using customised computer systems to process transactions and deal with account enquiries. I am also entitled to undertake many of the day to day routine and administration tasks. As I will be a fresh officer or often be called new entrant may start my job as a clerk helping the seniors in paperwork and administration in the back room of the bank to progress the bank cashier on the front desk dealing with customers accounts and enquiries. Senior bank cashier may supervise branch assistants, helping the customers in completing loan and mortgage applications, authorising loans or working in the foreign exchange section. This session will come to me whenever I will be able to promote myself from junior to senior. In the modern competitive financial services provision banks are operating a huge range of role. Bank cashiers are expected to market and sell financial products and services to customers. Cashiers should acquire a comprehensive knowledge of products and services offered by the bank. To promote myself in the position of a bank cashier the previous experiences and knowledge needed will come from the customer care officer as I will have been serving for six months in the same banking field. To be a bank cashier the following skills and qualities I must have: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Communicative skills with a wide range of people à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Play a role as a part of a team. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ be honest and reliable à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The ability to pay attention to accuracy and detail ins and outs à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Increased level of confidence in selling and marketing products to customers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Knowledge in computer. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Be aware of confidentiality issues i.e. I must not disclose the inside information of the bank. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide a high quality and customer driven service. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide personalized, friendly and efficient cashiering service and also have temptation treating the customers fairly at the heart of their values. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Have a desire in acting as the first point of contact for customers in order to identify and address their needs and assist the bank in the achievement of its plan. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To succeed in the role, I am likely to enjoy relating to others whilst following a routine and adhering to procedures. The day to day basic duties and tasks as a bank cashier that I will be performing are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Collect and check the working cash at the start of the day from Branch Manager and counter. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Check deposit slip with accuracy before receiving the deposits in the form of cash or checks. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Verify the customer signature on the cheques and account details and then process to the cash withdrawals. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Prepare travellers cheque, cashiers cheque and personal money order. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Explain the foreign currency regulations and fees before carrying out foreign currency exchanges. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Receive and verify the payments of loans, mortgages or any utility bills. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Record the transactions accurately, promptly and in a standardized format. Also issue transaction receipts to the customers. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Process the transactions like term deposits, retirement savings plan contributions, automated teller transactions, night deposits and mail deposits. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Respond to the enquiries of the customers about their accounts. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Attempt to resolve issues in the customers account. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Explain and promote banks products or services like travellers cheques, savings bond, money orders and cashiers cheques to existing customers. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Organize the money received in the cash box and coin dispenser as per the denominations. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Compute the financial fees, interest or service charges applicable to the customers account. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ At the end of the day or shift, I will have to balance the currency, cash and cheques in the cash drawer. In order to carry out all the above mentioned duties effectively, I must possess strong arithmetic skills, customer service orientation, proficiency in computers and related software, problem solving skills, honesty and integrity and stress tolerance abilities. My academic qualification for this position: Generally, there are no formal entry qualifications. Some employers specify four GCSE (A-C)/S grades (1-3) including English and Maths. Personal qualities are often equally as important as qualifications. Previous experience and knowledge in the similar field is also necessary. As I am graduating now in BBA from a renowned university, I must qualify for this position. I also have a good result including Maths and English in my GCSE. My desired hours and work environment: As I can see many cashiers working in the bank, so my expected working hours will be 9 to 5 from Monday to Friday including Saturday on a rota system. The most of the bank cashiers usually work behind a glass fitted screen with a number of customer services at desks in the front office of the branch. Bank cashiers are provided with a corporate uniform. Cashiers may be posted to other locations temporarily, where several branches exist within a town or area. Expected Annual Salary and Benefits: As a new bank clerk my salary will start between  £8750 and  £10500 depending on the size of the bank. In the course of my experience I will be earning between  £10,500 and  £16,000 a year. As a senior cashier or specialist customer service adviser I may earn between  £13,000 and  £23,000. Many banks have profit-related bonus schemes. Other benefits can include subsidised mortgages, loans, pensions, share options and insurance cover. Opportunities: As a bank cashier I may be promoted to senior bank cashier, a specialist customer service advisor, trainee manager and then branch manager. I have also some opportunities at the head offices of banks in the treasury, training, information technology and human resources departments or in merchant or investment banking and international divisions of the larger banks. With recent advances in IT and communications technology, there are many opportunities available in regional processing and call centres. Taking the next step of my career as Head Teller, this is the first line manager directly responsible for the tellers although they perform the same tasks this person has more experience in this field and has hands on knowledge of the job so the other tellers refer to her if they have any suspicions or queries about a particular transaction. She has to authorize transactions for above a particular amount of money which is usually set by the branch manager or head of operations. She usually has the highest amount of cash in her custody and if the other tellers need cash she transfers it to them rather than the vault custodian having to go to the vault every now and again depending on how busy the branch is. She is also responsible for the well being of the other tellers when it comes to taking their breaks, the tidiness of their work stations and to ensure that they abide by the rules and regulations of the bank. THE QUALITIES OF A GOOD HEADTELLER (KSA) You must always act professionally, set international standards, remain focused and work hard, accept results within your territory, be open to coaching, respond positively to feedback, compete effectively and win so that together we can celebrate success. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Very honest with an impeccable character. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Has a friendly personality. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Is meticulous and pays attention to details. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Works under pressure. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Very conversant with numbers. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Able to change at short notice and is innovative. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Is fast and able to resolve issues quickly. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Very vigilant and takes all transactions serious. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Very patient and tolerant. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Respects all policies and procedures of the bank. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Quick in counting cash and at the same time able to detect bad notes. Vault Custodian; By the age of 24 year, I need to be a vault custodian. In the banking system, it is one of the most important positions where sensitive security issues are related in this position (Vault Custodian). I will have to do some creative works which are security involved. Like that I will be given promotion to go next post and that will be my dream job. I will have a lot of responsibilities to continue all baking activities properly and perfectly. Some of important activities I will have to perform those are (important activities related with this position) given down. Responsibilities of a vault custodian: Basically, I will have to use my skills, knowledge and abilities those are vital for doing things right. However, some essential activities, vault custodian, are mentioned bellow. First of all, In front of three people or individuals, I will have to close and open the vault at all the times. I will do compile all the security transaction records. Basically, I will be allowed to enter or go to vault. All the times, I will do delivery and receive securities like gold box, precious jewellery etc. To and from the vault. All securities will be deposited to bank and those calculations and monitoring will be my main job. Basically, I will have to write down the time when I opened and closed the vault. Because, it is really sensitive and safety issue for bank. When I will receive any types of precious things from customer then I will have to make sure that I did signature and description of the things which I have been given by the customer. Basically, I will need to write the details of the single or particular deposit. When anything will be pushed to the vault it is essential that make sure the account holder name and account number accurately. It is very important that release the deposit from the vault depositor (authorize) own decision. As a vault custodian I will have some important activities which are supervise the tillers and auditors. And, observing the all others activities of different other junior level activities. Basically, vault custodian just one step down the branch manager who needs to do almost same job like manager. Cash will be deposited overnight in main vault under joint custody of the dead teller and a designated bank staff. Finally I will strive forth to occupy the post of the branch manager of the bank.      The last stage of career plan is Branch Manager in a Bank .That is the dream job after passing through all the consecutive jobs successfully to reach in this position. Lets now look at the roles and responsibilities of a Branch Manager of a Bank.     The role of a branch manager is multifaceted. He is responsible for the overall leadership, sales force, operation and financial goals of the branch they manage. The branch manager must be familiar with the all the products and services offer by a bank and he should also be sales oriented. SALES:      Being a branch manager you are responsible for the success and failures of the goals and objectives. You should have Leadership qualities which influence the team members to motivate towards work; this will help to achieve the goals and objective. You should have an excellent communication skill to communicate with the employee, customers and society as you will be representing the bank with in the community. Other responsibilities include creating good budget sales and planning to monitor and act upon it. ADMINISTRATION:       Being an branch manager you will be responsible for making sure that work flows run smoothly .You are also responsible for the security and appearance of the branch facilities. You must be aware of employee or staff requirements .In any conflicts or if any problem arises which involves staff and customer a branch manager should be able to solve it effectively move ahead to achieve the goal. The other responsibilities of an branch manager include to keep an duplicate key of custody, to ensure the assets are in proper condition, to sanction the staff leave. FINANCE:     The role of a manager in a finance department is to ensure and to look after that the account Officer is maintaining proper books of accounts including basic accounting controls, for e.g. day to day cash in out, etc. She/he must ensure that all the expenses are incurred under the limit of the budget. Yes at last, finding my self in this position is in other words a dream come true. The dream I cultivated in my mind while still young has come to reality. It was not easy for me going though all those step due to the facts that; They was great competition in achieving that same post, they though time that I had to go out of my way to meet up with the customers demand and the expectations of the company, I had to match up my daily life and my work life, I had to put in great effort in my studies and I had to work as a team with colleagues that dont like me. To go through all this I had to be, flexible, enthusiastic, charismatic and very creative. Even at some point I had to employ characteristics which are not a part of my. Though through though times I had faith and it kept me going. And I will always give thanks to those that supported me in achieving my dreams like my colleagues, superiors, friends, family, and my profs. So go forth and chess your dream and never stop, Till it is accomplished. Dont forget destiny, faith, dreams, these unstoppable ideas are held dip in the heart of men. As long as they are people who seek freedom in this life, this things shall not vanish from the earth.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Intercultural Communication and Acculturation :: globalization, misunderstanding
Communication within one culture can often be difficult, convoluted and result in many misunderstanding, this process can be significantly exacerbated however when communicators are from different cultures. With the world becoming smaller day by day due to globalization and cultures converging from all corners of the globe, communication and culture as we know it has drastically evolved and become very complex. Examples of this can be seen right here as people from all over the world immigrate to America. Throughout history as people from around the globe made America their new home they have had to address and overcome the looming issues of intercultural communication and acculturation. According to acculturation means; cultural modification of an individual, group, or people by adapting to or borrowing traits from another culture; also: a merging of cultures as a result of prolonged contact (Webster†¦..). Beyond having to learn a new language which is difficul t enough but through the process of acculturation they have to learn social values, norms, rules that very often is entirely different that that of their native culture. In order to successfully thrive and survive people have had to master a language while navigating through a society that often looks, behaves, sounds and fundamentally believes differently than they themselves do. Making this process even more difficult is always the prevailing desire to hold true to native customs values and traditions which may not be accepted practice in the new society. For example in America we believe in and exercise freedom of religion however in a predominantly Christian society practicing other faiths such as Muslim of Buddhism may prove more confined and contained than in ones home land where the majority practices their religion. Further examples of this point may stem to the work place where women are treated equally and their ideas and opinions are accepted and sought after but in other nations women are treated as second class citizens and therefore have no voice in public environments. These instances can require great adjustment on the part of ind ividuals who may not be familiar with American customs and treatment of women in the workplace or otherwise. Also the inability to find adequate words from a native tongue may pose a problem and great frustration if there is no literal translation in the new language. Although acculturation does not require complete assimilation and abandonment of one’s beliefs or culture it does require embracing and adopting practices of the new culture.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Mind and True Feelings Essay
In the book Grendel, the author made the decision to use the character Grendel as the narrator. He knew that the readers would understand more about Grendel’s feelings. To know the real Grendel, you need to read it from his point of view, not anyone else’s. The story made more sense because it was written in stream of consciousness. Stream of consciousness means that the author writes down everything that he is thinking. In Grendel we got to read everything from his heart, his true feelings about everything. The story would have been really different if we hadn’t gotten to see who he was and what he was all about. Grendel from the book was a totally different Grendel from Beowulf. In Beowulf we see Grendel as an evil monster that wanted to kill everyone and had no feelings. But we know that he did have true feelings for people and for himself. â€Å"My head aches†(page 13), is an example of something we would have never known by watching the movie. We also know that he cared deeply about his mother and other people. We also would have never known that he was actually very intelligent and could speak. â€Å"I sobbed as if heartbroken†(page 19). We know that he had a heart; a real monster wouldn’t have a heart. He was sad because he didn’t have the life that he wanted; everyone was happy but he wasn’t. With everything that we know about Grendel and his feelings is all stuff that we learned from the book, not from the movie. The movie basically told us the opposite of what was true about him. We would have never known this stuff if the author wouldn’t have written in the stream of consciousness. Grendel had many feelings that we did not know about in Beowulf that we learned about in the book. In the movie we got the idea that he was a horrible monster who didn’t care about anything or anyone. Beowulf told the story from the dans point of view not Grendel’s. So by John Gardner choosing to use stream of consciousness we really saw who Grendel was. Grendel seems way more human in the book rather than the movie. â€Å"I laughed my ankle was numb; my leg was on fire to the hip†(page 21). Only a real human could feel pain and sorrow like that. Everyone hated him and wanted him dead because they thought he was such a horrible monster, but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t pick the way he looks; that’s just how he was created. In the end, he was just in so much pain he didn’t know what to do with his life anymore. So that’s why I’m happy that the author choose this form of writing because we understood who he was and what he was. Not just some monster who wanted to kill everyone. If the Danes could have seen him like we did I think that that would have changed their whole look about him. Those are all the reasons why I think that the stream of consciousness was a way better form of writing rather than formal writing. This is also why I think that we see Grendel more human than monster and understood him better. I sympathize him more this way and feel sorry for him because everyone hated him for the way that he looked. I think the author choose this way because he knew that we would understand him more. That’s why if he would have chosen formal writing everything would have been more confusing and hard to understand.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Adults with Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental disorders in the adult stage. Anyone can develop anxiety and depression but its not something to worry about since both can be cured with medication or therapy. It may be caused by different factors and adults more often experience this mental condition.Anxiety and depression are two conditions that should be addressed immediately because it affects people's social life and other life processes. There have also been documented cases that adult who suffered from these commits suicide. This paper discusses the meaning of anxiety and depression among adults and at the same time describe how to get medical treatment before something worse happens.Defining Anxietyâ€Å"Anxiety, in the simplest sense is defined as a form of response or reaction†(Callanan, 1992, p.50). It is one state of emotion wherein individuals tends to feel lesser or more anxious toward a particular event in their life (Callanan, 1992, p.50). Anxiety can be seen as an extreme state of shyness indicated by blushing.Shame occurs when one sees himself as being responsible for negative outcomes or for failing in public. Anxiety is also characterized by a discomfort when performing in front of an audience (stage fright) which can lead to an inhibition of speech.This is one good way to test anxiety because the individual is afraid of being under the scrutiny of others. Both kinds of apprehension in face of tests and interactions share this aspect of evaluation anxiety. The state of anxiety refers to the acute feeling in the process of emotional experiencing.The trait of anxiety refers to a proneness to respond with state anxiety in threatening situations. It can also be defined as excessive worrying which involves fearful reaction (Callanan, 1992, p.50).Although the aforementioned statements cited negativity about the definition of anxiety, Margie Callanan on her book entitled â€Å"Anxiety. In Adult Psychological Problem†(1992) s tated that anxiety is also vital for adult's life survival (Callanan , 1992, p.50).â€Å"It also seems to be a feature of being successful since classic laboratory studies shows that people with moderate levels of anxiety leads them to optimizing task performance and that too much little of anxiety leads to worse performance†(Callanan , 1992, p.50).Defining DepressionDepression is not merely feeling lonely or down. Feeling lonely at times is normal for any person but when this mood persists for weeks or even months, this is no longer a simple case of loneliness. The person experiencing this is under a depressed state (Yip and Lee, 2003, pp.5-11). Depression is a common illness but is also severe.Many people fail to get treatment for this kind of disorder but with proper consultation and treatment, even the worst cases of depression can be cured. Depression in its own meaning is not life threatening but it could have drastic effects on the patient's life as well as the lives of the people around him (Yip and Lee, 2003, p. 157).There are different types of depression but the most common are major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder (Yip and Lee, 2003, p. 7). Other forms of depression are psychotic depression, postpartum depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and bipolar disorder (Yip and Lee, 2003, p. 19).Describing Adults who experiences Anxiety and DepressionCauses/OriginsNo matter what aspects caused the anxious or depressive state among adults, it is no mere state if mind and it may be traced to some physical changes as a person ages because the brain as undergoes an imbalance of neurotransmitters, which is known as the chemical that carries from in the brain and in the nerves (Goroll,, 2003, p. 807).Trauma and stress from financial problems, failed relationships, the death of someone dear, and other extreme life changes are factors that could result in either anxiety or depression. Pessimistic people are also more prone to thes e (Goroll,, 2003, pp.50-58).Other medical conditions such as heart ailments, obesity, HIV and cancer may also lead to anxiety and depression (Goroll,, 2003, pp.49-54). It may also worsen some medical conditions since it weakens the immune system. Some medications may also constitute depression. Moreover, other psychological disorders like schizophrenia for example have been noted to accompany anxiety and depression (Goroll,, 2003, p.79).DiagnosisMagnetic Resonance Technology (MRI) indicates that the brains of depressed people look different from the brain of normal people (Goroll,, 2003, p.300). The area of the brain that is responsible for mood and behavior do not function normally for adult people with anxiety and depression.Talking to the patient is the best step in the diagnosis of anxiety and depression. The doctor should try to find out if symptoms have began to manifest to figure out if there is anxiety and depression and what stage has been reache d.The symptoms could last for the adult's remaining years and may inevitably affect his/her personality and work habits, in which case, other people could lose empathy for the patient. Depression also causes other various changes in behavior (Goroll,, 2003).TreatmentTreatment is never a problem for anxiety and depression patients since even the most extreme cases can be cured. One other disease has been ruled out, and the doctor is certain that the patient is suffering from anxiety and depression (Goroll,, 2003, p. 109).Adult patients who experiences anxious and depressing conditions are usually given prescriptions for countering the said feelings. There are anti-depressants made in order to normalize the secretion of brain chemicals such as neurotransmitters, serotonin and norepinephrine (Goroll,, 2003, p.49).These chemicals aid in regulating the mood of a person and as previously stated, neurotransmitters are secreted in abnormal levels under depression. Thus, normalizing the secretion of this chemical will help the patient recover from depression. These anti-depressants may however have side effects such as headache, nausea, insomnia and nervousness, agitation and sexual problems.Psychotherapy or â€Å"talk therapy†is also another form of treatment for adult anxiety and depression. Cognitive behavioral-therapy and interpersonal theraphy are two forms of psychotherapy that have been proven to work for adult who has anxiety and depression. These kinds of therapy may, however, only be effective for mild to moderate cases of adult anxiety and depression. More severe cases might call for both anti-depressants and psychotherapy (Callanan, 1992, pp.24-42). If anti-depressants and psychotherapy do not work, electro convulsive therapy, also know as shock therapy is another treatment option. Shock therapy has gained a negative reputation in the past but it has been proven to provide relief for patients that have severe depression (Cal lanan, 1992, p42).Herbal remedies such have been used by some people for some time but research indicated that it is not effective in the treatment of depression. Other research indicated that the plant has components that produce unfavorable reactions with other medications (Goroll,, 2003, p.641).ConclusionAnxiety and Depression are common mental disorders and yet, many fail to get treatment for it because it often goes undiagnosed. Adult people and their family should be aware that anxiety and depression should be taken seriously and whenever the symptoms occur, professional help should always be sought.The two can easily be cured so enduring it should never be an option since it does not affect only adults, but also the people around them.References:Callanan, M. (1992). Anxiety. In Adult Psychological Problems. Champion, L.A., & Power,       M.J. (Eds). New York: Routledge.Goroll, A.H., Mulley, A.G., & Mulley, A. Jr. (Eds). (2006). Primary Care Medicine.        Amsterdam: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Yip, P.S., & Lee, D.T. (2003). Depression Among Elderly and Postpartum Women. In     Depressive Disorders. Maj, M. & Sartorious, N. (Eds). New Jersey: John Wiley and         Sons.
Monopoly and American Dream
Monopoly: Reinforcement of the American Dream Many board games are used to bring in family, friends, and even strangers to come together and socialize. What many people do not know is that sometimes these games teaches our society the values, skills, and social statuses in each individual’s life. Video games such as Medal of Honor or Call of Duty teach young teens (even children), the American pride of being a soldier. Board games such as Life teaches individuals about life in general or what is expected by society when children move on to be adults (go to college, have a job, have kids, get married).I’ve decided to examine the Monopoly board game, where it teaches a variety of values, skills, and social inequalities. Some good aspects about the Monopoly game are the teachings of real life accounting. A player learns how to budget their money and makes decisions on what to spend. There are even taxes, such as luxury tax and income tax. Mastilak (2012) states that  "Monopoly involves investing money into a financial enterprise, developing a strategy, making investment decisions, paying expenses, collecting revenues, and competing with other similar enterprises. †Monopoly teaches individuals the value of the American Dream.It is supposedly said that everyone starts off in the same social conditions and everyone has equal chances to climb the social classes. In the game, every player starts off with the same amount of money. In life, everyone is born with the same opportunities among your peers. For example, individuals born in a low social class have the same amount of chances to reach the higher social statuses. To reach a high social class, individuals have to invest themselves in the American dream, so that one-day individuals will own a house, have money, have luxurious items, and â€Å"live happily. The Monopoly game incorporates the American dream elements into the game. The paper money obviously represents money, the houses and h otels represents real estate; luxuries are included in the game as well, such as a jet plane, a limo, a yacht, and a bullet train. Even household luxuries such as water and electricity are included. The game is based on competition; the winner is clearly the wealthiest. The game represents corporate culture, where the game is about winners and losers, it’s about greed and it’s about being heartless. Players are suppose to use every way to get their wants, even if it means hurting their family and friends.For example, if a player lands on another player’s spot, the player has to find a way to pay for landing in the spot, even if it means that the player doesn’t have the money for it. Monopoly also teaches players the rules of social engagement. Taking turns, following the rules, and fair play are general norms of social engagement (Glasberg, Nangle, Maatita, and Schauer 1998). Glasberg, Nangle, Maatita, and Schauer also bring out a good observation when pl ayers noticed the political socialization. They stated that since unknown players made up these games, the players did not debate or negotiate the rules.What I’ve noticed about the game is that the square that says â€Å"In Jail†, â€Å"Just Visiting†, the price of the estates are relatively cheap. This reinforces the idea that people who are in jail are most likely people from bad neighborhoods. It can also mean that the estates are cheap because it’s next to a jail and it brings down the value of the estate. While on the other hand, the estates near the â€Å"Go To Jail†square are significantly higher on prices. The way I interpreted this is that higher security is placed among valuable estates. It’s like in life; people with the money can afford to buy security cameras or high security equipments.Or it can mean that higher securities are placed around rich neighborhoods. Another square, called the â€Å"Free Parking†represents lu ck. The way I interpreted the â€Å"Free Parking†spot is the chances of winning the lottery, or in the case of the game it is to take all the money piled in the middle of the board game. There are many Americans who play the lottery, hoping to beat against the odds to win a vast amount of money. If the game were to be played different, for example some players start of wealthy while other players start off poor, the real life application may be accurate.A professor from Pennsylvania State University tested 50 students with the poor and rich elements. As suspected, the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer. According to the article Classroom Monopoly Game Shows Rich Often Get Richer, 20% of the people control 40% of the wealth and 20% splits 1%. The remainder divides the middle 59% in the United States. It’s just really interesting that how easy it is for players to adjust to the power of money and how accurate it is sometimes. For example, it was very interesting that a student stole $100 from a neighbor because the student was poor.That’s how it is in some places; people have no other choice but to steal for survival. Monopoly does have many useful skills such as accounting and money investments. However, the board game does reinforce American values, it incorporates the lemets of the American Dream and the corporate culture as well. Even if the game is played differently, these values remain the same and some players even become greedy and heartless (do anything to win, even if it means hurting friends or family). It’s very interesting, it taught me new ideas, and made me think of games that they are not always as it seems.Works Cited 1. Classroom monopoly game shows rich often get richer. (1992, Feb 22). Journal Record. Retrieved from www. search. proquest. com 2. Glasberg, D. , Nangle, B. , Maatita, F. , & Schauer, T. (1998, Apr). Games children play: an exercise illustrating agents of socialization. Teaching Sociology, 26( 2), 130-139. Retrieved from www. jstor. org 3. Mastilak, C. (2012): First-Day Strategies for Millennial Students in Introductory Accounting Courses: It's All Fun and Games Until Something Gets Learned, Journal of Education for Business, 87(1), 48-51. Retrieved from www. ebscohost. com
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Khmer Rouge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Khmer Rouge - Essay Example From BBC, it is clear that it was a communist party belonging to Kapuchea. Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot, had a reputation for brutality because they used to kill the villagers and the village chiefs. Khmer Rouge group ensured people were dispersed to the forest by burning both villages and major towns where there were huge populations. Moreover, by the time the chaos reached the peak, many Americans had held demonstrations protesting the involvement of United States in Cambodia. Things had gone so badly in Vietnam and their only interest in Southeast Asia was in getting out. Many people ran away from the cities and small towns to avoid Khmer Rouge. According to White (2010, pg. 16) Cambodia was turned into a camp that starved and terrorized people. On April 17 1975, Cambodia fell when Phnom Penh came face to face with the Khmer Rouge. Khmer Rouge was different, and they were dead behind the eyes. When Khmer Rouge took power, they started to re-invent Cambodia by emptying the cities forcing all the residents into the countryside and towards a dark future. Cadre spread the word that the Americans were going to bomb, and everyone had to leave including patients in the hospital. It was a lie and the leaders of Khmer Rouge cleared the capital and other cities so that they could start over. Around noon, everyone started leaving Cambodia, hundreds of thousands of people who were trenching along a few kilometers an hour, and it was truly a staggering sight, incredible. All citizens that lived in Cambodia and were from foreign countries were ferried to the borders by trucks. Khmer Rouge went ahead and created a new country after ensuri ng all foreigners were taken out of the country, and Cambodia was officially sealed. New country was created by killing civilians earnestly. The book by Marshall Cavendish Corporation, (2007, pg. 765) states that Khmer Rouge viewed the Vietnamese as a sacrifice for Cambodia revolution for its own interests. Combined with a burning
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
How Will Advances in Big Data, IT, Cloud Computing and Analytics Essay
How Will Advances in Big Data, IT, Cloud Computing and Analytics Impact Healthcare - Essay Example Cloud computing is the use of computer software and hardware over a network normally as a service. This means that in order for someone to use the software and hardware they do not need to have them physically, all they need is access to the network where the respective cloud network is located (Agha, 2012). A good example of cloud computing is where hospitals compile all their information centrally and staff with verified passwords can access the information irrespective of the geographical location. Analytics can be considered the communication and discovery of patterns in data sets. Analytics are normally used in areas where that have a lot of recorded information. Analytic greatly depends and relies on computer programming operations and statics. Analytics can be used in the healthcare system where patient information may be used to predict future trends in diseases and general health of the population. Healthcare has been curbed by a lot of problems. It is filled with a lot of setbacks and short comings. One of major inefficiencies of the healthcare system is the old filling system. This is where all records including patient records and disease records are stored in the manual hardcopy files. There are no softcopy backups thus making the hard copy files the only files on record. This has proved cumbersome since there are hospital records that date back to almost the 1900s. Finding such a record using the manual filing system is very difficult. As it is known, almost all disease and outbreaks repeat themselves in time. This means that doctors might be unable to identify some old diseases just because a record of the disease in the past cannot be located. Another major inefficiency in healthcare is administration. Administration in the healthcare system is very poor yet a lot of money is used in the administration of all health care system. This is double inefficiency. Administrating healthcare especially in underdeveloped countries is done in a
Monday, October 7, 2019
Implementation of a COP program based on the scenario given Assignment
Implementation of a COP program based on the scenario given - Assignment Example There is also a citizen’s patrol project which will help the police with monitoring areas where there may not be a patrol at that moment so help can be called in immediately. An outline and overview of the project is given in this paper as to how it will be implemented. Introduction This is a proposal memo to address the problems at the Anytown Shopping Mall in our city which has had a 75% increase in crime and robberies over the years 2009 to 2011. In light of the fact that it is determined that homeless people have set up camps in parking lot areas where there is very little lighting installed, and that there have been numerous robberies conducted in parking lot sections, the Anytown Police Department is designing a project to help with cutting down crime and restoring a safe environment for our citizens to be able to shop and work safely in, and around, the Anytown Shopping Mall. It is our plan to bring back businesses to this area as a number of the shopping mall businesse s have left recently because of the unsafe conditions for both workers and customers (Class information 2013). The community-oriented policing program being created is called ANYTOWN ANYTIME FREEDOM SHOPPING program which will address several issues: eliminating transit camps in parking lots, a system of patrols that covers all sections of the parking area and in the mall as well, a protection system for workers and customers of the mall and finally, a determination of what public works projects must be developed, such as a new lighting strategy, for all areas of the parking infrastructure (Class information 2013). 1. The social forces that exist for this problem are that there are numerous homeless people who are camping out in the poorly lit areas of the shopping mall’s parking sections, particularly in underground parking. This creates an unsafe hazard for those workers who must come in early and leave late at night (Craven 2009). For shoppers, the danger is the high chanc e of being robbed, particularly when carrying packages. Aside from the obvious dangers from robberies, muggings, and potential car jackings, the areas where there are camps are very unsanitary, particularly as there are no restrooms (Dempsey & Forst 2013). It is unclear at this time whether the homeless also go into the shopping mall, when it is open, in order to use the restroom facilities. Preparation 2. The first steps in preparing for the program is to have a meeting, or several meetings, with shop owners in the mall in order to hear what incidents they have encountered, which would help in designing the plan of action (Craven 2009). This would also include those businesses which have left the area and finding out specifically what issues they had as regards conducting business in the mall. In addition to the meetings, it is also important to assess from crime reports where crimes in that area have occurred the most and what type they are (Hunter & Barker 2011). Once this inform ation has been developed, then more strategic planning can take place. 3. The social and special interest groups that should be involved in this process are the business owners in the mall, the shopping mall administration officers, any current security teams that are already in place, as most malls have their own team, and also the city manager and district representative. It is important to have reflections from all the above people and to have them
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